photo and more background of this event: here
Reading the source mentioned above, I realised that the annual national cake invention started only four years ago, in 2007. That said, the first year winning recipe, the Madártej (Floating Island) Cake remained our favourite since. In fact, it was the flavour of our wedding cake!
While Sour Cherry Cake of Pánd (winner of 2009) also featured frequently on our dessert plates :)
We got around to trying the new winning recipe today (available sinced Aug 20th). I have to admit when both of us learnt that the winning cake (announced on the 4th Aug) was Plum Dumplings Cake, we doubt that we would like the cake as neither of us liked the traditional plum dumplings. Well, we're happy to say that we would definitely eat it again!
The cake consisted of chocolate sponge filled with plum flavoured mousse. In the filling itself, you will find a plum or prune dumpling (that look quite complicated to make!) . Topping was vanilla cream and finished off with (what I think is) tempered chocolate, decorated with prune wrapped in chocolate covered marcipan.
cake we bought at local bakery.
own reference - National cakes recipes