If you are familiar with Cantonese cuisine, than Char Siu is no stranger to you. To those who has no idea what it is , you can read it here here
I have found a way to imitate that barbecued taste with just 2 ingredients.
Ingredients :-
Smoked ham
Sour cherry jam (50% fruit content), to taste
Method :-
1) First soak the smoked ham in cold water for about 4 hours to get rid of some of the saltiness.
2) Once ham has been soaked, dry it with kitchen towel and slice into preferred thickness. Set aside.
3) Heat a sauce pan with a few table spoons of sour cherry jam. Let it simmer until intense red colour.
4) Place ham pieces all over the sauce pan to absorb the jam flavour, flip it a few times to let it completely infuse in the sauce. When the ham has picked up the colour of the jam, it is ready.
5) You can serve with rice, cucumber and some of remaining gravy. Or simply eat it with plain bread :)