Monday, January 27, 2014

Steamed coconut milk Glutinous rice and custard { Kuih Seri Muka } (Vanilla)

Kuih Seri Muka
serves : 8-10 pax
Base :-
1 cup Glutinous Rice, washed and soaked over night
150ml coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt

Coconut custard
2 egg yolks
3 Tbsp sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
2.5 Tbsp plain flour
250 ml coconut milk


1) Wash and soak glutinous rice the night before you intend to serve the "kuih"
2) Get the steamer ready.
3) Drain soaked glutinous rice, mix in the coconut milk and salt. Mix well. Pour into a greased square steaming pan**. I used about .........., which I think makes the base too thick. Next time I'll use a slightly bigger pan for thinner layer of rice.
4) Steamed for 30 mins. or until the rice is cooked. Do not fluff the rice, just leave it as is.
5) Make the custard by placing 2 egg yolks in sauce pan. Beat in the sugar and add a little coconut milk and slowly beat in the plain flour, ensuring no lumps. when you get a smooth paste, then add in the rest of the coconut milk.
6) Cook the custard until thicken, then pour onto the glutinous rice base. Place the square pan back to the steamer and steam for 15 mins. If it is not quite set, steam a bit longer. When it is wobbly, remove steamer from heat and let the rice in for another 10 mins. before removing from steamer.
7) After 10 mins. remove from steamer and let it cool fully so that the custard to set fully.
8) Serve at room temperature. If you have left over , keep in the fridge and steam lightly when you want to eat again.

Check out the video if you're still unclear

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Steamed coconut milk Glutinous rice and custard { Kuih Seri Muka } (Vanilla)

Kuih Seri Muka
serves : 8-10 pax
Base :-
1 cup Glutinous Rice, washed and soaked over night
150ml coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt

Coconut custard
2 egg yolks
3 Tbsp sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
2.5 Tbsp plain flour
250 ml coconut milk


1) Wash and soak glutinous rice the night before you intend to serve the "kuih"
2) Get the steamer ready.
3) Drain soaked glutinous rice, mix in the coconut milk and salt. Mix well. Pour into a greased square steaming pan**. I used about .........., which I think makes the base too thick. Next time I'll use a slightly bigger pan for thinner layer of rice.
4) Steamed for 30 mins. or until the rice is cooked. Do not fluff the rice, just leave it as is.
5) Make the custard by placing 2 egg yolks in sauce pan. Beat in the sugar and add a little coconut milk and slowly beat in the plain flour, ensuring no lumps. when you get a smooth paste, then add in the rest of the coconut milk.
6) Cook the custard until thicken, then pour onto the glutinous rice base. Place the square pan back to the steamer and steam for 15 mins. If it is not quite set, steam a bit longer. When it is wobbly, remove steamer from heat and let the rice in for another 10 mins. before removing from steamer.
7) After 10 mins. remove from steamer and let it cool fully so that the custard to set fully.
8) Serve at room temperature. If you have left over , keep in the fridge and steam lightly when you want to eat again.

Check out the video if you're still unclear

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