Garlic Paprika Roast Chicken
1 whole chicken
2 tsp smoked paprika powder
1 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp cooking oil
salt & pepper, to taste
1. Pre-heat oven at 375°c (Gas mark 6)
2. Mix dry spices into cooking oil.
3. Clean chicken and pat dry. Spread spice mix (step 2) all over chicken, place chicken skin side down onto roasting tin and let it sit in room temp. for about 30-45 mins.
4. Bake chicken first for 20 mins. After which remove roasting tin from oven, flip over chicken, this time skin side up. Baste chicken with juice from roasting. Place roasting tin back to oven and continue to cook for another 20-30 mins. After 50 mins. chicken should be fully cooked and skin crisp.
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